Overscale - Indicates that the specific talent submitted to the role requires a higher rate of pay than the listed amount.
Resume - If the talent currently has a resume on their profile, this icon will appear. You can click on the resume icon to view the talent’s resume.
Video/Audio Reel - Any video or audio reels that are currently on the talent’s resume will appear by the Video/Audio Reel.
Audition History - This option does not currently function.
Submitted Media / Photos - Media and/or Photos that were selected by the talent that pertains specifically to this submission.
Submission Note - A note provided by the talent that is specific for this submission that may pertain to the role, project or additional details.
Permanent Talent note from Casting (Color dependent on choice) - This is an internal permanent note added by you to a talent profile that will appear on all future submissions. The color is dependent on choice, so green may indicate a positive note.
Permanent Talent note from Casting (Color dependent on choice) - This is an internal permanent note added by you to a talent profile that will appear on all future submissions. The color is dependent on choice, so red may indicate a negative note.
Permanent Talent note from Casting (Color dependent on choice) - This is an internal permanent note added by you to a talent profile that will appear on all future submissions. The color is dependent on choice, so yellow or black may indicate a neutral or cautious note.
Add a new Project Note - Draft a new Casting note with details pertaining to this project.
Please note: The cake icon only appears by a talent’s name if the talent is under the age of 18. You will find the talents exact age, in years or months, to the right of the icon.
Helpful Tip: If an icon is grayed out by an individual talent’s submission, no relevant information is available for the talent. For example, if a talent’s resume and video/audio reel icon is gray, it indicates that the talent does not currently have a resume nor any media on their profile.
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