Hiding and Unhiding Talent Profiles
You can hide and unhide Talent profiles on your roster. Hidden profiles will not display in your active roster or casting searches based on your selection. You may locate and update the status of hidden profiles using the profile status filter in your roster.
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How to Hide Talent
1. Go to the Talent tab
2. Select the overflow menu to the upper right corner of the Talent’s photo
3. Select the “Hide Talent” button
4. You can either select “Hide from Talent Roster” or “Hide From Talent Roster & From Casting Search”
5. Select “Hide”
How to Filter your Roster to View Hidden Profiles
1. Go to the Talent tab
2. Under filter, select “Profile Status”
3. On the drop-down select either “Hide from Talent Roster” or “Hide From Talent Roster & From Casting Search”
4. Select “Filter”
How to Unhide a Talent Profile
1. Go to the Talent tab
2. Under filter, select “Profile Status”
3. On the drop-down select either “Hide from Talent Roster” or “Hide From Talent Roster & From Casting Search”
4. Select “Filter”
5. Select the overflow menu to the upper right corner of the Talent’s photo
6. Select the “Unhide Profile” button.
7. Select “Unhide”
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