Your Worksheet houses all information for your requests.
Click to jump to section:
- Request Statuses and Request Types
- Forwarding Requests to Talent
- Responding to Requests
- Filtering the Worksheet
- Sorting, Rearranging & Grouping Worksheet
The worksheet columns can be sorted by Request Type (Audition, Callback, Media Request, and Question Request), Status, Talent Name, Project Name, and Due/Scheduled Date.
You can sort the individual columns by alphabetical order:Select the column header once and it will sort that column by alphabetical order A-Z
Select the column header again and it will sort Z-A
Select the column header once again and it will default back to the original order.REORDERING:
You can reorder the column order on the worksheet!
To move a column all you have to do is drag and drop the column header!
You can also group your worksheet by either Projects or Talent.To view your worksheet by a group drag and drop the column header to the “Drag Here to set row groups” section.
Request Statuses and Request Types
Each request has a status, letting you know if there is Action Required, a response is Pending from talent or casting, or if it is Completed. When viewing requests by Received Date, the newest request will appear at the top. There are three types of requests in our new platform:
Schedule Request: An audition or callback request. This type of request has not changed significantly from our legacy platform.
Question Request: Casting can send this type request to gather more information or ask any other questions they may need to proceed with casting.
Media Request: Mostly commonly used to collect self tapes, casting can request any type of media, including photos, video, audio, or PDFs, from your talent.
Details for a request can be seen on the right hand side of your screen. Click on the request type (Audition, Callback, Question, Media) on the left hand side of your screen to switch between requests. You are able to hide the details of a request by clicking the arrow button to the left of the details modal.
If a Casting Director manually added your talent to a project there will be a "CD" icon visible to the right of the talent's name.
Forwarding Requests to Talent
You can forward any of these requests on to your talent from the Worksheet. To forward a request individually, click the right facing arrow and include a message if you’d like.
You are also able to forward a request individually by clicking right racing arrow on request's modal.
You can forward multiple requests at once by selecting the checkbox on the left hand side of each request and choosing Forward in the bottom right corner.
Responding to Requests
You’ll see when a talent has responded in the Talent Response column of the worksheet. When reviewing a request’s details, you can provide your own response, or review the response from talent. If a talent has confirmed a schedule request, that will automatically be sent directly to casting. All other responses in any request type must first be reviewed and sent to casting by you.
You are able to confirm or decline a Media Request and see which media requests your talent have confirmed or declined via the “Talent Response” column on the Worksheet. On the request, select either the Confirm or Decline button and include a note. When you’re ready, click “Send Response”. Decline responses cannot be edited after being sent.
For an audition request, you are able to Confirm (checkmark icon), Decline ("X" icon), or Reschedule (clock icon) on behalf of your talent. If a talent has confirmed a schedule request, that will automatically be sent directly to casting.
The question on a question request from casting can be seen on the right hand side of the request modal. You're able to send your response to a question request, by typing in your reply then clicking Submit Response.
If casting sends a direct message, you will see a red bubble icon on the chat icon. Click on this icon to see the message from the Casting Director.
When ready, type in your reply and hit Send.
Once sent, you will see your message along with a timestamp under neath.
If you need to, you can send a message to casting on an audition request. Click the Chat Icon at the bottom of the request.
Keep track of a request’s progress with the Talent Response and Your Response columns, which will have icons to represent if talent have responded, and if you have responded and sent the response to casting.
Filtering the Worksheet
To filter:
Go to the Worksheet tab and select the Filter button. From there, you are able to select the criteria and then click the Search button.
Talent Representatives are able to view requests within a specific time frame. Choose to view requests by schedule / due date or received date.
Use the calendar icon to adjust dates. When ready, press Search
Talent Representatives are able to filter requests on their worksheet by:
- Request Type
- Audition
- Callback
- Question
- Media
- Request Status
- Action Required
- New Request
- Rescheduled
- Review Response
- Pending
- Change Requested
- On Hold
- Pending Request
- Complete
- Canceled Request
- Completed Request
- Action Required
- Project Name
- Talent
- Casting Director
Sorting, Rearranging & Grouping Worksheet
In addition to Filters, you can sort and group columns!
The worksheet columns can be sorted by Request Type (Audition, Callback, Media Request, and Question Request), Status, Talent Name, Project Name, and Due/Scheduled Date.
You can sort the individual columns by alphabetical order:
Select the column header once and it will sort that column by alphabetical order A-Z
Select the column header again and it will sort Z-A
Select the column header once again and it will default back to the original order.
You can reorder the column order on the worksheet!
To move a column all you have to do is drag and drop the column header!
You can also group your worksheet by either Projects or Talent.
To view your worksheet by a group drag and drop the column header to the “Drag Here to set row groups” section.
Related Articles
- What are the statuses I'm seeing on the worksheet?
- Can I filter my worksheet?
- How do I forward requests to my talent?
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