Representatives have the ability to upload media on any artist profile with a free membership as long as the talent have not already used their 2 free photos, 1 video, and 1 audio credits. If the talent is on a Premium Membership there is no limit to the amount of media the representative can upload.
Accepted Media File Types:
Photo: jpg, jpe, jpeg, png, gif
Video: mov, mkv, mp4
Audio: aiff, m4a, mp3, ogg, wav
To upload media:
1. Find the profile under Talent and click Edit Profile below their photo.
2. Once viewing the Edit Profile page, select Add a Photo, Add a Video, or Add an Audio Clip. You can additionally add media when viewing the talent media page, which is accessible when clicking See All in the media section of the Edit Profile page.
3. Select the media type you would like to add and you can select "From Device" to upload a new media file.
4. You can then either drag and drop the files or browse your device for additional files.
5. If all of the free media credits have been used, the option to upload from device will be greyed out and you can not select it. Talent can either upgrade to a Premium membership or purchase a single media upload to add more photo credits.
You are done! You have now successfully uploaded media to your talent's profile!
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