Creating a Schedule
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How to Create a Schedule
To create a schedule:
1. Click Schedules below your project name
2. Click New Schedule
3. Choose Audition or Callback
4. Enter your audition details
5. Click Save and Customize Schedule
6. Click Add Timeframe to start building your schedule
7. Choose your start and end times and manually add talent to your timeslots or autofill with your selects
8. Click Add This Timeframe
9 You can drag and drop talent into timeslots within the schedule or from the talent pool on the left. When ready, click Send Times in the bottom right corner.
What do the Icons Represent on the Schedules Page?
Confirmed - Talent and/or Representatives confirms their scheduled time
Declined - Talent and/or Representatives decline their scheduled time
Reschedule Request - Talent and/or Representatives are requesting a date or time change
Pending Request - Talent and/or Representatives are pending / have not yet replied to the request
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