Your Casting Networks profile is a place to showcase yourself, your talent and show Casting Directors why they should choose you.
On your Casting Networks profile, you’ll be able to post your resume, photos, video clips and audio clips. You will also be able to add your special skills, your physical attributes, and your preferences for what roles you’re interested in playing.
Having your information as up-to-date as possible is very important. Casting Directors want to know who they are hiring for the job.
Welcome to Casting Networks! We’re here to help in any way we can. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our team by following this link to submit a request.
Additionally, please see some related articles below:
- Video Tutorials & Downloadable Quick Start Guides
- How do I edit my talent profile?
- How do I upload a photo, video, or audio clip?
- How do I submit to roles on Casting Networks?
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