What are the membership options available for talent?
Free Membership: Allows 2 free photo uploads, 1 free video upload, and 1 free audio upload. Talent can view projects on Casting Billboard, but they can not self-submit to projects. Talent reps can submit to projects on their behalf. Talent can upload photos, video, and audio to media requests.
Premium Membership: Allows unlimited media uploads, unlimited self-submissions on Casting Billboard, the ability to create custom video reels when using the iOS mobile app, and Access to other Premium features ie: Role Tracker, Your Auditions, Talent Scout, & Thrive Benefits.
Premium Membership Pricing:
Will talent still get 2 free photos, 1 free video, and 1 free audio when first creating talent accounts?
Yes. Talent on the Free Membership will receive 2 free photo uploads, 1 free video upload, and one free audio upload when creating a new account.
Do talent have the ability to swap out media on their profiles?
All accounts receive 2 free photo uploads, 1 free video upload, and 1 free audio upload. This media can not be swapped out for new media, nor can it be deleted. However, this media can be hidden on all profiles. Talent on the Premium Membership have unlimited media uploads.
As a talent Representative can I add media to my talents profile?
Yes, as a talent representative, you will be able to upload media to a talent's profile. If the talent has a Premium Membership you can upload unlimited media. If the talent is on a free membership and they have used their free uploads they will need to upgrade to a Premium membership to upload additional media.
What happens to a talent’s media if they switch their membership?
If a talent downgrades their membership from Premium to Free you will have access to their initial free uploads. 2 photos, 1 video, and 1 audio clip. All other media will become locked.
With the new membership options can family members share memberships?
As with previous memberships, each membership is tied to an individual artist account. Multiple family members can be connected to the same talent account but each family member must have their own artist account with their own membership.
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